Radiofrequency Treatments - Service Menus

Radiofrequency - skin tightening for the body

Verð og tímalengd: 60 mín – 20000

Radio frequency skin tightening as well as luxurious skin polishing, skin liftig firm ambula from Comfort Zone and facial massage. A lifting mask from Comfort Zone is then applied at the end.   
Verð og tímalengd: 80 mín – 22000 kr

Verð og tímalengd: 5 x 60 mín – 85000 kr

Verð og tímalengd: 10 x 60 mín – 150000 kr

Radio Frequency - Skin tightening

What is skin tightening?

Skin tightening is the most powerful and effective treatment on the market to build and tighten sagging skin and eliminate orange peel. The treatment is carried out with the Accent Prime device from Alma Lasers, which is based on targeted and powerful radiofrequency technology and has the advantage over other devices on the market of delivering faster, deeper, and more continuous heating without any pain.

The radiofrequency waves from the device set water molecules in the skin in motion and create friction between them. The friction creates heat in the tissues of the body, and given that a large part of the skin consists of water, the tissues manage to contract significantly and stimulate the production of collagen, which results in tighter and firmer skin. To achieve the best results, the body's moisture balance must be good, so it is important to pay attention to drinking water before and after each treatment.

The treatment is safe and painless and suitable for all skin types and age groups.

Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation picture
Tighten and strengthen sagging skin

Skin tightening is specially developed to strengthen and tighten sagging skin, whether due to age, weight loss or pregnancy. The treatment works deep into the skin's substratum where it helps tissues contract and stimulates collagen production, but these factors result in tighter, firmer and stronger skin.

Prevent and reduce the signs of aging

Skin tightening stimulates the skin's collagen production, but collagen is one of the body's most important structural proteins and is especially important for the skin. With age, the skin's collagen production slows down, and as a result, it begins to relax and wrinkles and fine lines appear.

myndast. Húðþétting fyrirbyggir og vinnur til baka öldrun húðarinnar með því að hjálpa henni að viðhalda kollagenframleiðslu sinni. Sé meðferðinni beitt á andlit getur hún skerpt andlitsdrætti líkt og kjálkalínu og kinnbein og gefið andlitinu fyllingu og mótun sem tapast með aldrinum.

radio frequency cavitation scaled 1

Number of treatments: It can be estimated that treatment must be carried out for at least 4-6 times for best results. A minimum of two weeks must pass between treatments.

Results are slowly appearing for up to 3 months after each treatment. It is important that a healthy lifestyle is maintained alongside treatments to achieve the best results.

Before treatment: To increase the success of the treatment, it is important to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day, for at least 3 days before treatment.

After treatment: Slight redness and swelling may occur and last for 1-2 days, depending on the treatment area. It is important to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day, for at least 3 days after treatment.

It is good to apply a moisturizing cream to the area twice a day for a week after treatment. It is recommended to avoid swimming and exercise on the same day. It is important to use a strong sunscreen for at least week after treatment and avoid sun as much as possible.

Radio Frequency Skin Tighening Treatment 1
Skin tightening is often used in conjunction with other treatments

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is often good to combine different treatments with different emphases. You can seek advice from experts at Húðafegurun to find the treatment combinations that suit your skin best. Examples of treatments that are always well suited in conjunction with Skin Sealing are e.g. Ultrasound Liposuction in the case of the body or neck and Hyaluronic Booster in the case of the face.

skin tightening

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