Mimos Massage Spa and Beauty Salon

Hafnarstræti 5 -101 Reykjavík

Hafnarstræti 5 - Ground floor- 101 Reykjavík - Tel: 5181818
Hafnarstræti 5 - Ground floor- 101 Reykjavík - Tel: 5181818


  • Massage Therapies
  • Body Therapies
  • Beauty Therapies
  • Barbershop
  • Pamper packages and offers.
  • Makeup

The best time to relax is when you feel like you don't have any time for it.

The body is like a temple; therefore, it should be sculpted in the right way

Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a very long time

Experience the true atmosphere of a traditional barbershop

Pampering is always a great idea and we all deserve it.

Makeup is a form of art that enables one to express themselves

Practical information for Hafnarstæti.

As elsewhere in the city centers, it can be difficult to find a parking space, but the good news is that there is always a free parking space a few minutes walk away from Mimos in the Hafnartorg parking garage.

There is a slight difference in focus between the salons. Hafnarstræti focuses on massage and grooming, but there is no barber shop, and the body treatments are in Suðurlandsbraut and not in Hafnarstræti. However, the level of service is the same, and our goal is that you feel as good as possible with us.

That´s easy. The easiest way is to book online by clicking here, where you can choose location, services, and therapist. If you are unsure of something, please don´t hesitate to contact us at 5181818, and we will gladly assist you.

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The Benefits of Mimos

Our support

We are not doctors, but we share healthy advice

Well known brands

We only accept the best quality products and services

Value for money

We are not the cheapest, but we believe we are the best.

Trend setters

We carefully follow trends

Mimos professionals

The Mimos team are professionals that undergo constant training

Loyal customers

We know we are on the right track when we see our valuable customers returning to use it year after year.

Apply Now

Leave us a message with any question regarding our franchise opportunity and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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What we have heard about ourselves

"Aldrei liðið betur, eins og ég svífi út"

“Hingað kem ég aftur og aftur....”

“Mér líður svo vel hérna og héðan fer ég alltaf endurnærð. ”

"Fallegustu og bestu vörur sem ég hef notað"

"þið eruð yndislegar"

"Allir sem koma heim spyrja hvar í hafi fengið þessar vörur"

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find some frequently asked questions and our answers, hopefully, you find your answer but if not, then don´t hesitate to call us at 5181818 at [email protected]

It´s easy, and the easiest way is here online by clicking "Book" here at the main menu, you could also call us at 5181818 or send us an email at [email protected]

Things can change and we understand, only we need to know as your therapist will be waiting if we don´t. You could cancel your booking here on like or you can call us on 5181818.

At Mimos, we are solution-oriented, so there are several options. You could come to either of our locations and have it delivered there, you could also ask us to send it to you or the person you plan to give by post. If time is short or the lucky person does not live near you, the gift card can be sent electronically by e-mail.

We did the best we can sharing info here on our website but if you can´t find what you look for then you could always call us at 5181818 or send us an email at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.