The best time to relax is when you feel like you don't have any time for it.
The body is like a temple; therefore, it should be sculpted in the right way
Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a very long time
Experience the true atmosphere of a traditional barbershop
Pampering is always a great idea and we all deserve it.
Makeup is a form of art that enables one to express themselves
We are not doctors, but we share healthy advice
We only accept the best quality products and services
We are not the cheapest, but we believe we are the best.
We carefully follow trends
The Mimos team are professionals that undergo constant training
We know we are on the right track when we see our valuable customers returning to use it year after year.
Leave us a message with any question regarding our franchise opportunity and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
"Aldrei liðið betur, eins og ég svífi út"
“Hingað kem ég aftur og aftur....”
“Mér líður svo vel hérna og héðan fer ég alltaf endurnærð. ”
"Fallegustu og bestu vörur sem ég hef notað"
"þið eruð yndislegar"
"Allir sem koma heim spyrja hvar í hafi fengið þessar vörur"
Án vatns myndi allt líf á jörðu deyja. Og án þess að ég fari að vera voða djúp hérna að þá vita allir þetta með vatnið, er það ekki annars?
The biggest reason we feel tired and have poor stamina is dehydration. If you make sure to drink enough water during the day, you will also sharpen your concentration and think faster.
If you drink enough water, you maintain the right level of moisture in your skin. Proper moisture prevents wrinkles and folds. Water also flushes the toxins you have ingested during the day out of your body.
Keeping the right amount of fluid in the body ensures that all the organs work properly. This also burns fat. The best thing about water is that it contains no calories.
Water helps nutrients and oxygen travel throughout the body and our vital organs. It maintains the correct body temperature and protects the joints and organs.
Remember the water bottle when we go to work in the morning and make sure not to lose the liquid during exercises.
Getting a good night's sleep is essential for everyone to give the body a chance to nourish and achieve deep regeneration, which is one of the main foundations for mental and physical well-being. Research shows that, contrary to public opinion, the main purpose of sleep does not necessarily seem to be to rest the body, because it rests by relaxing, or lying down on the couch without falling asleep. Rather, science is more inclined to believe that the purpose is mainly needed to rejuvenate the mind and brain and strengthen the immune and nervous systems. At the same time, the brain gets both a rest and an opportunity to process emotions and thoughts.
Many things affect sleep and sleeping habits, but few people notice what disturbs their sleep. Lack of sleep makes people confused, lethargic, and lack concentration, significantly reducing reaction time. Lack of sleep for many nights can cause sensory distortions, even hallucinations. There may also be changes in personality, such as people becoming unusually irritable and quick-tempered. Severe and persistent sleep disorders increase the likelihood of health problems, e.g., depression, infections, high blood pressure, stress, and obesity, to name a few.
What is sleep?
Sleep is a normal state of unconsciousness, when the brain's electrical impulses are more rhythmic than when awake and less responsive to external stimuli. There are two basic stages of sleep, ie. deep sleep (non-REM) when regeneration occurs, but that stage is interrupted by periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when most dreams occur. The stage of sleep that is considered particularly important for changes in the nervous system, such as the formation of new memories, is called REM sleep. Animals that are constantly awakened from REM sleep, but are otherwise allowed to sleep undisturbed, have a harder time learning new things. REM sleep also appears to be important for memory and learning in humans. For example, students during exams spend more time in REM sleep than at other times of the year. Likewise, a high percentage of the sleep of precocious children is in REM sleep, while a low percentage of the sleep of developmentally disabled children. Many argue that this is because during REM sleep, new memories are consolidated and connected to older ones. Therefore, the prevalence of dreams at this stage of sleep may be explained by the fact that the brain is "taking over".
How much sleep is needed?
How much sleep a person needs is individual. It is recommended that most adults receive at least 7-8 hours of sleep to achieve complete regeneration and rest, but the time decreases as people age (most millennials need about 6-7 hours). Some experts say we need more, while others say we can get by with less; this is still being researched. You can test what suits you by checking how you feel and performing daily tasks after different lengths of sleep.
Teenagers are growing rapidly and need at least 9 hours of sleep and that also applies to 9-12 year olds, 6-9 year olds need about 10 hours and 3-6 year olds should sleep from 10-12 hours a night. Toddlers between the ages of 1-3 need about 10-14 hours of sleep, and children under one year of age also need some sleep during the day.
Meditation is a method for guiding the mind in a certain direction, slowing down thoughts, and finding inner peace. It can be said that meditation is training for the mind, training in strengthening concentration and sharpening attention. Today, many people find it difficult to concentrate because there are so many stimuli in their minds. Meditation is, therefore, an effective way to improve concentration.
There are many ways to meditate, and meditation stories, such as the ones we use at Hugarfresliti, are highly suitable to children and beginners. It is easy to visualize the mental journey that meditation is based on. The meditation stories are very graphic and encourage the imagination, which is unfortunately on the decline in our fast-paced world. One forgets time and place, gets into a better balance, renews one's energy, and strengthens one's self-image.
When is it good to use meditation?
A healthy and varied diet is essential for health and well-being. It is encouraged to prioritize variety and to choose foods rich in natural nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetable oil, low-fat dairy products, fish, cod liver oil, lean meat, and more.
A varied and healthy diet is best for ensuring a balance of nutrients. Food supplements are usually unnecessary, but Icelanders, like others who live in northern areas, need to take vitamin D separately, either fish oil or vitamin D tablets. Furthermore, women who may become pregnant are advised to take a folate tablet daily. This page contains more detailed advice on diet and nutrients for adults.
Source: National Health Service
Regular exercise is essential for mental and physical health and well-being. It is not only important for preventing many diseases, but it also gives strength to tackle daily tasks and promotes better sleep and rest in general. Exercise is known to be a powerful weapon against stress.
A varied and healthy diet is best for ensuring a balance of nutrients. Food supplements are usually unnecessary, but Icelanders, like others who live in northern areas, need to take vitamin D separately, either fish oil or vitamin D tablets. Furthermore, women who may become pregnant are advised to take a folate tablet daily. This page contains more detailed advice on diet and nutrients for adults.
Many people are familiar with trying to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle but not being able to make it stick. A study was carried out in 2009 to examine which factors were important in making exercise a lifestyle. When looking at the people who exercised the most in their daily lives, it was those who enjoyed the exercise and found it enjoyable. Those who exercised the least were those who exercised primarily to increase their quality of life and improve their health.
Many people are familiar with incorporating exercise into their lifestyle but cannot make it stick. A study was carried out in 2009 to examine which factors were important in making exercise a lifestyle. When looking at the people who exercised the most in their daily lives, it was those who enjoyed the exercise and found it enjoyable. Those who exercised the least were those who exercised primarily to increase their quality of life and improve their health.
Come to us at Mimos, it's not complicated as our slogan is:
The best gift for body, mind, and soul.
See you at Suðurlandsbraut or our new salon at Hafnarstræti 5, 101 Reykjavík.
Hér eru ýmsar spurningar sem við fáum reglulega og vonandi þau svör sem þú leitar eftir. Ef ekki þá skaltu ekki hika við að hringja í okkur í síma 5181818 eða senda okkur línu á
Það er lítið mál: Auðveldast er að bóka hér á síðunni með því að smella á hnappinn "Bóka tíma" en auðvitað geturðu líka hringt í okkur í síma 5181818 eða sent okkur línu á
Auðvitað getur það alltaf gerst en þá er mikilvægt að þú látir okkur vita sem allra fyrst því ákveðinn starfsmaður gerir ráð fyrir þér á áætluðum tíma. í slíkum tilfellum er alltaf best að láta okkur vita í síma 5181818
At Mimos, we are solution-oriented, so there are several options. You could come to either of our locations and have it delivered there, you could also ask us to send it to you or the person you plan to give by post. If time is short or the lucky person does not live near you, the gift card can be sent electronically by e-mail.
Við reyndum að koma sem allra flestu fyrir á síðunni en ef þú finnur ekki svarið þá er lítið mál að hringja í okkur í síma 5181818 eða senda okkur línu á og við svörum öllum þínum fyrirspurnum með bros á vör.
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